Wednesday, June 6, 2012


My two greatest fears have always been needles and heights. When I was a little kid, my mother said that I never had a fear of getting shots at the doctor. When I got older however, I developed a big fear of needles. I dread getting shots at the doctor and I did have an incident where I became light headed and almost fainted upon receiving one. It is weird though, because on television I can normally watch people getting shots except in one particular area on their arm.The video below illustrates the area that I am talking about. I feel for this girl because this is one reason that I never donate blood, no matter how many free cookies and punch I would receive. Whenever I see someone getting a shot there I normally cringe and can't watch.

My second fear is heights. This fear is quite ironic because I love roller coasters  and I also have a huge desire to go skydiving sometime in my life. I am afraid of being high in the air unrestrained. If I am climbing a ladder for example, I get really nervous when I look down because I am afraid that I will fall down. If I was on top of a tall building and looked down I would probably pee my pants. This would be an example of something that would freak me out.

Oh Shit!

I think that the majority of the class will either share in one or both of the fears that I have or at the most have a somewhat discomfort in the two. I know that there were a few people in the class already that didn't enjoy roller coasters so they may have a fear of heights to accompany that as well. I also figure that no one in the class enjoys getting shots at the doctor, so a few of my classmates may have the same fear as well.

After presenting to the class, my hypothesis was pretty much correct. A few other people in the class had the same fear as I had. I did get a little uncomfortable though when a few people in the class started talking to me about donating blood and things of the like. I became a bit light headed and shaky. All in all though the class didn't make fun of me or anything for having these fears since these two fears are considered pretty common.

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