Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dream Land

I am not gonna lie, I used the three hour period of time to catch up on my sleep and score some z's. I have always enjoyed to sleep. I know it may sound lazy, but I love relaxing after a long hard day and nothing really can accomplish relaxation better than being in a nice air conditioned house and taking a nap. I also love to dream and over the course of time I have tried to accomplish the art of controlling my dreams. Sometimes I can and sometimes I can't. I used this block of time to dream in my sleep and just explore my dream world. Everything felt so real that it was rediculous. I tried to remember as much as I could while I was in the dream so when I woke up, I could possibly start drawing it out on paint or something of the sort. As soon as I awoke however, that was not the case. I always wondered why that was. It is practically impossible for me to remember everything in a dream. I can always remember pieces or some areas but never the entire thing. I like to study my dreams and remember certain objects in them. Maybe the objects in the dreams are trying to tell me something. I wish that I could get paid to sleep. That way, I could get some research done about dreams themselves as well as enjoy some z's. The sandman is always welcome at my house whenever I have had a hard day.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, do you have a dream journal? I try to keep a notebook by the bed for late night brainstorm ideas, dreams and any other rambling I may want to remember.

    If you are really interested in getting paid to sleep, check out the Indiana Sleep Center. As a student, you may be able to participate in a research study.

    Fantastic song as well!
